Your Address: |
First and last name: |
Address 1 |
Address 2 |
City |
ZIP Code |
Country |
Telefone/Fax |
email |
If you do not enter your email address here we will send you the key code
to your postal address or fax it. |
For the Academic-Version please submit the following
information: |
You are: student
teacher scientific assistant
lecturer other: |
Complete address of your educational institution: |
College / Institute |
Field of Study |
Address 1 |
Address 2 |
City |
ZIP Code |
Country |
Telefone, Fax: |
Tell us your desired method of payment:
Customs, duty, tax, and applicable fees may be assessed on your
purchase. You will have to pay these charges separately when you receive your package. For European citizens:
use the comment field at the bottom of this form (or email ) to ask for the
prizes in your currency. If you live in a country belonging to the European Union you have to add 16% VAT.
Please add US$ 8.00 shipping charge. |
Prepayment Check to
Berkhan-Software, Alt-Isenhagen 19, D-29386 Hankensbuettel / Germany
Wire Transfer/Direct Bank Transfer to:
Postbank Hannover/Germany, Account 6789 50-307, Bank Code 250 100
30 (only within Europe)
Payment by Credit Card:
VISA Master Card Eurocard
Name as it appears on the card:
Credit card number:
Expiration date:
Do you have any comments, questions or wishes? |
Have you written programs in Omikron Basic before?
You will receive a confirmation via e-mail within 24 hours.
Please contact us in any case of discrepancy or if you should you have any questions: ++49 58 32 - 97 98 95 (Fax
++49 58 32 - 61 60)
from USA: 011 49 58 32 - 97 98 95 (Fax: 011 49 5832 - 6160). e-mail us: (Subject: "order")
Please feel free so send us a message if you have any problems
with this order form or any additional questions.
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